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How to accept an invitation automatically to a GitHub repository?

Monthly I receive several invitations to be a collaborator of several Github repositories, unfortunately sometimes I miss the 7 days time to accept the invitations and as a consequence the invitations expire, making it impossible for me to access the repositories

I have tried to automate the invitations through GitHubActions but there is no such option.

Please, does anyone know how I can automate the acceptance of the invitations, so they will not expire after 7 days, which is the maximum time that Github grants before the invitations expire?


  • I have tried to automate the invitations through GitHubActions but there is no such option.

    You can test out the GitHub Action kbrashears5/github-action-auto-accept-collabs which should auto accept all collaboration invites.

    It does:

    • get all repository invites for [${USERNAME}]
      curl -X GET -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" -u ${USERNAME}:${GITHUB_TOKEN} \
           --silent ${GITHUB_API_URL}/user/repository_invitations | \
      jq '.[].id'
    • Accept each invite:
      curl -d @- \
            -X PATCH \
            -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
            -u ${USERNAME}:${GITHUB_TOKEN} \
            --silent \