In PowerQuery, how can I round up/down to the nearest hour/minute/second?
I can't find any suitable functions available in any of these locations on Microsoft:
I've also found some other resources here, but they don't perfectly help me:
The answer is actually in converting the Date/Time value to a Number value, then rounding that one, then converting back again.
I've written the below function to do this rounding process automatically. It includes the flexibility to round to different time intervals (hour
, minute
, second
), and different rounding values (5
, 15
, 60
, etc), and also to be able to round in different directions (up
, down
fun_RoundTime =
( DateTimeToRound as any
, optional TimeInterval as text
, optional RoundingInterval as number
, optional RoundingDirection as text
) as time =>
/* Notes:
- 'TimeInterval' should be one of: 'Hour', 'Minute', 'Second'.
- 'RoundingInterval' is for rounding to nearest minute, nearest 5 minutes, nearest 15 minutes, etc...
- 'RoundingDirection' should be one of: 'Up', 'Down', 'Nearest' or 'null'. If 'null', it will default to 'Nearest'.
// Validate 'TimeInterval'
tmp_TimeInterval =
if List.Contains({null, ""}, TimeInterval) then Text.Proper("Minute")
else if List.Contains({"Hour","Minute","Second"}, Text.Proper(TimeInterval)) then Text.Proper(TimeInterval)
else error "'TimeInterval' must be one of: 'Hour','Minute','Second'. No other values are accepted.",
// Validate 'RoundingDirection'
tmp_RoundingDirection =
if List.Contains({null, ""}, RoundingDirection) then "Nearest"
else if List.Contains({"Up","Down","Nearest"}, Text.Proper(RoundingDirection)) then Text.Proper(RoundingDirection)
else error "'RoundingDirection' must be one of: 'Up','Down','Nearest' or 'null'.",
// Set source
Source = DateTimeToRound,
// Make function round to nearest minute by default
Rounding =
if List.Contains({null, ""}, RoundingInterval) then 1
else RoundingInterval,
// Convert datetime to decimal: Convert to number of days since 30/12/1899. Decimal component stores the time component of the datetime
TimeDecimal = Number.From(Source),
// Convert number from representing days to representing minutes. Default rounding is to the minute.
TimeConverted =
if tmp_TimeInterval = "Hour" then TimeDecimal * (24 / Rounding)
else if tmp_TimeInterval = "Minute" then TimeDecimal * (24 * 60 / Rounding)
else if tmp_TimeInterval = "Second" then TimeDecimal * (24 * 60 * 60 / Rounding)
else TimeDecimal * (24 * 60 / Rounding),
// Round it
RoundedTime =
if tmp_RoundingDirection = "Nearest" then Number.Round(TimeConverted)
else if tmp_RoundingDirection = "Up" then Number.RoundUp(TimeConverted)
else if tmp_RoundingDirection = "Down" then Number.RoundDown(TimeConverted)
else Number.Round(TimeConverted),
// Convert back to days since 30/12/1899
TimeConvertedBack =
if tmp_TimeInterval = "Hour" then RoundedTime / (24 / Rounding)
else if tmp_TimeInterval = "Minute" then RoundedTime / (24 * 60 / Rounding)
else if tmp_TimeInterval = "Second" then RoundedTime / (24 * 60 * 60 / Rounding)
else RoundedTime / (24 * 60 / Rounding),
// Finalise
TimeFinal = Time.From(TimeConvertedBack)
You can check it by running any of these functions:
fun_RoundTime(Time.From(DateTime.LocalNow()), "minute", 15)
fun_RoundTime(Time.From(DateTime.LocalNow()), "hour", 2, "down")
For more information, you should check out this helpful GitHub repo: PowerBI-Helpers