Sweaving the following:
x <- 5
y <- 10
The value of $z$ is \\
generates the following error:
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'z' not found
Calls: <Anonymous> -> Sweave -> <Anonymous> -> eval -> eval
Execution halted
If \Sexpr{z}
is commented out, why is it causing an error?
This answer is a placeholder to record what I learned on my own. I will gladly accept a better one...
Sweave doesn't parse the LaTeX, so it will evaluate any \Sexpr
, even if it is commented out. So if you assigned a value to z
in the code chunk, %\Sexpr{z}
would print the value of z
. Amusingly, \Sexpr{#z}
will suppress the printing of the value of z
I also tracked down this (rather old) discussion of this issue in a mailing list.