I am working with a database of surgeries performed.
The database contains in each row the patient's id, date of surgery and surgery performed.
A patient can have more than one surgery and this surgery can be different.
What I am trying to obtain is the number of surgeries performed by each patient, what was the first surgery and the last surgery performed.
This is the original database example:
patient | date | surgery | id |
A | 01-01-22 | Eyes | 1 |
B | 01-01-22 | Mouth | 2 |
C | 01-01-22 | Nose | 3 |
A | 01-05-22 | Mouth | 4 |
C | 01-06-22 | Eyes | 5 |
B | 01-07-22 | Mouth | 6 |
A | 01-12-22 | Nose | 7 |
I need the following output:
patient | number of surgeries | First Surgery | Last Surgery |
A | 3 | Eyes | Nose |
B | 2 | Mouth | Mouth |
C | 2 | Nose | Eyes |
I'm using the following Dax's expression:
N_Surgery = GROUPBY(Surgery, Surgery[patient_id],
"N_Surgery", COUNTX(CURRENTGROUP(), Surgery[id]))
But i have no idea how to get the last and first surgery.
This is what I am looking to replicate using an example of R code:
Summarise <- DF%>%
summarise(N_Surgery = n(),
First = surgery[which.min(date)],
Last = surgery[which.max(date)])
Thanks in advance!
Table 2 =
SUMMARIZE('Table', 'Table'[patient]),
"Number of Surgeries", CALCULATE(COUNTROWS('Table')),
"First Surgery",
VAR a = CALCULATE(MIN('Table'[date]))
RETURN CALCULATE(MIN('Table'[surgery]), 'Table'[date] = a),
"Last Surgery",
VAR b = CALCULATE(MAX('Table'[date]))
RETURN CALCULATE(MIN('Table'[surgery]), 'Table'[date] = b)