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React hook form with zod resolver optional field

I want to make a form with React-hook-form and zod resolver where all fields are optional but fields still required despite making them optional in zod schema:

const schema = z.object({
    name: z.string().min(3).max(50).optional(),
    description: z.string().min(3).max(255).optional(),
    image: clientImageSchema.optional(),
const {...} = useForm({ resolver: zodResolver(schema) }) 

when submitting the form with blank inputs it validates fields as required. Where is the error or the mistake ?


  • I had the same issue. There may be some bug or issue regarding the handling of empty strings. There was similar thing happening with enums

    For now just running the field with .preprocess() seems to be working. What I mean is:

    const schema = z.object({
      // Watch out, z.preprocess takes two arguments
      foo: z.preprocess(
        (foo) => {
          // this line won't work
          // return foo
          // this line will work, dunno why
          // console.log(typeof email)
          // I'm using this
          if (!foo || typeof foo !== 'string') return undefined
          return foo === '' ? undefined : foo
            message: 'Please correct your email address',

    So this will give us an optional field that will be validated as an email field once not-empty. There may be some other way but that's what I've found.