I'm trying to implement a decorator function to sanitize their parameters for mongoDB
. This is what I have so far:
def sanitize(function_to_decorate):
def wrapper(*args):
for query in args:
if any(elem in r'${/}\\' for elem in query):
raise Exception('String contains invalid characters')
return wrapper
def test(arg, arg2, list):
print (arg, arg2, list)
test('Hi', 'Me', '1') # Passes
test('Hi', 'Me', '{1') # Fails
test('Hi', 'Hey', ['Me', '{1']) # Passes
This makes sense as I'm only iterating over all parameters once, but since some functions may require lists as parameters (say, for a $in check) this isn't universally useful.
How can I drill down on an arbitrary number of lists in a list? Say
def a(str, str, [] )
def b([], [] ,[])
I also don't know how to implement this for keyword arguments, but that's a decorator specific issue.
You can pass off the responsibility of detecting parameters to a function which checks them recursively:
def rsanitize(args):
for query in args:
if isinstance(query, list):
elif any(elem in r'${/}\\' for elem in query):
raise Exception('String contains invalid characters')
def sanitize(function_to_decorate):
def wrapper(*args):
return wrapper
Now your final test case will fail properly:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\xxx\soRecursivelyTestLists.py", line 22, in <module>
test('Hi', 'Hey', ['Me', '{1']) # Passes
File "D:\xxx\soRecursivelyTestLists.py", line 12, in wrapper
File "D:\xxx\soRecursivelyTestLists.py", line 6, in rsanitize
File "D:\xxx\soRecursivelyTestLists.py", line 8, in rsanitize
raise Exception('String contains invalid characters')
Exception: String contains invalid characters