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How to use HydratedBloc with Freezed in Flutter

I want to ask a question that is about a hydrated bloc with Freezed.

Firstly, I know that the we use freezed package to gain a time. We do not create all the necessary codes like creating copyWith method etc. So, If I check the generated file, I can see the toJson, fromJson methods. The problem is, I do not know should I create these methods in the state file like below code/image.

I create my state management solution with freezed, and I do not know how can I use freezed with a hydrated bloc.

To test and understand the logic, I created an app which is a counter app basically. So, in the application folder, I have CounterCubit and CounterState.

Here my the CounterState file:

part of 'counter_cubit.dart';

class CounterState with _$CounterState {
  const factory CounterState({
    required int number,
  }) = _CounterState;

  const CounterState._();

  factory CounterState.empty() => const CounterState(number: 0);

  factory CounterState.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$CounterStateFromJson(json);

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$CounterStateToJson(this);

You can see the below image gives an error, something is wrong.

Here is the file's image: file

The Cubit file working fine: file2

In the cubit file I put also .g file to generate. Here I confused because I use both freezed package and json_serializable package.


  • I removed json_seril. package, and then wrote my own functions. I also create a sample for this, If you want to use hydrated bloc with freezed, you can find the usage of the hydrated bloc with freezed in here: