@coleifer, Thank you for giving us Peewee.
I have a join from two Models that are connected by an FK constraint. I am querying the combined result with a query like the one below:
Model1.select(Model1, Model2).join(Model2).dicts()
I want to apply filters on the combined query, using attributes from both Models.
I was guided towards filter from the answer in this question: filter with dynamic dict peewee ORM
I can apply filter on Model1 attributes by appending filter at the end of join, like this: Model1.select(Model1, Model2).join(Model2).filter(Model1.name == 'foo').dicts()
and that works as expected. I followed the documentation here: http://docs.peewee-orm.com/en/latest/peewee/api.html#Model.filter
If I attempt to apply any filter with attributes from Model2 like filter(Model2.id == 22)
, it fails with an AttributeError
I tried to create a CTE and applied filter on it but didn't work throwing an AttributeError.
is it possible to achieve what I am attempting? Please can you guide?
You should use .where()
and not .filter()
query = (Model1
.where((Model1.field == 1) & (Model2.other == 2)))
The docs provide many examples, please consult them. http://docs.peewee-orm.com/en/latest/peewee/querying.html#filtering-records