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Parallel execution on specflow xunit

I am looking to maximize the parallel execution of Specflow + Xunit, currently the parallel is up to the feature level. I am looking for a way to make it up to scenario level. I do plan to use specflow+runner, unfortunately it has stopped development.

Currently I did the workaround using DevOps pipeline to distribute the scenarios to 2 agents. Does someone have any better suggestions?


  Feature: Calculator
   Scenario: Add two numbers

   @agent2 // Assign to agent 2
   Scenario: Add two numbers 2


  Feature: Calculator2
   Scenario: Add two numbers 3
   @agent2 // Assign to agent 2
   Scenario: Add two numbers 4


  • This appears to be a limitation of xUnit. From Running Tests in Parallel on

    Test Collections

    How does decide which tests can run against each other in parallel? It uses a concept called test collections to make that decision.

    By default, each test class is a unique test collection. Tests within the same test class will not run in parallel against each other.

    (emphasis, mine)

    A feature file in SpecFlow gets parsed and converted to a test class in xUnit. A test class (and therefore a feature file in SpecFlow) become default collections to support parallelization when running tests. Until xUnit supports a way to run test methods in the same class in parallel, this does not appear possible when using xUnit + SpecFlow, because it is not possible when just using xUnit.