I need to convert below nested JSON into flatten and load into database.
Nested JSON into Flatten
JSON Input:
"Report_Entry": [
"ContractNumber": "1111111",
"Company": "ABCD INC."
"Contract_Lines_group": [
"LineShipToCustomer": "GOOD INC.",
"LineReferenceId": "123456789_EXP"
"LineShipToCustomer": "XYZ TELECOM",
"LineReferenceId": "123456789_TIME"
"ContractName": "TEST Contract",
"ReferenceId": "123456789"
"ContractNumber": "222222",
"Company": "FASLSE NEWS INC."
"Contract_Lines_group": [
"LineShipToCustomer": "LIVE NEWS INC.",
"LineReferenceId": "789999_EXP"
"LineShipToCustomer": "SKY NEWS INC.",
"LineReferenceId": "789999_TIME"
"ContractName": "FALSE NEWS Contract",
"ReferenceId": "6789999"
Expected TEXT Output:
\-- Set 1
1111111|ABCD INC|GOOD INC|123456789_EXP|TEST Contract|123456789
1111111|ABCD INC|XYZ TELECOM|123456789_TIME|TEST Contract|123456789
\-- Set 2
222222|FASLSE NEWS INC.|LIVE NEWS INC.|789999_EXP|FALSE NEWS Contract|6789999
222222|FASLSE NEWS INC.|SKY NEWS INC.|789999_TIME|FALSE NEWS Contract|6789999
Output (JSON):
"ContractNumber": "1111111",
"Company": "ABCD INC."
"Contract_Lines_group": [
"LineShipToCustomer": "GOOD INC.",
"LineReferenceId": "123456789_EXP"
"ContractName": "TEST Contract",
"ReferenceId": "123456789"
"ContractNumber": "1111111",
"Company": "ABCD INC."
"Contract_Lines_group": [
"LineShipToCustomer": "XYZ TELECOM",
"LineReferenceId": "123456789_TIME"
"ContractName": "TEST Contract",
"ReferenceId": "123456789"
} ,
"ContractNumber": "222222",
"Company": "FASLSE NEWS INC."
"Contract_Lines_group": [
"LineShipToCustomer": "LIVE NEWS INC.",
"LineReferenceId": "789999_EXP"
"ContractName": "FALSE NEWS Contract",
"ReferenceId": "123456789",
"ContractNumber": "222222",
"Company": "FASLSE NEWS INC."
"Contract_Lines_group": [
"LineShipToCustomer": "SKY NEWS INC.",
"LineReferenceId": "789999_TIME"
"ContractName": "FALSE NEWS Contract",
"ReferenceId": "6789999",
I assume that you need to convert the input JSON into a CSV output using the pipe character |
as a separator. You need to map each of the line internal items into a record.
You could use the flatten() function however Mule 4 has a more convenient function to map and flatten at the same time: flatMap().
%dw 2.0
output application/csv separator="|"
payload.Report_Entry flatMap ((item, order) ->
item.Contract_Lines_group map ((line, lineOrder) -> {
ContractNumber: item.ContractNumber,
Company: item.Company,
LineShipToCustomer: line.LineShipToCustomer,
LineReferenceId: line.LineReferenceId,
ContractName: item.ContractName,
ReferenceId: item.ReferenceId
1111111|ABCD INC.|GOOD INC.|123456789_EXP|TEST Contract|123456789
1111111|ABCD INC.|XYZ TELECOM|123456789_TIME|TEST Contract|123456789
222222|FASLSE NEWS INC.|LIVE NEWS INC.|789999_EXP|FALSE NEWS Contract|6789999
222222|FASLSE NEWS INC.|SKY NEWS INC.|789999_TIME|FALSE NEWS Contract|6789999