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How to use 'only' keyword to select which job to run when tag name ends with some specific keyword

Although this seems to be very easy but seems like I am doing something silly somewhere. I am trying to automate my project where I have decided to run either of the jobs where one is for staging and one is for production. I want my deploy-on-staging job to run when my tag released ends with -stage and deploy-on-prod job to run when my tag release ends with -prod. For this I have used only keyword (instead of rules keyword as it was becoming pain for me). But only keyword is not supposed to be working as expected, for me.

The issue I am getting is even after using the only keyword, both of my jobs are still running. Any pointer would be very helpful.

I am just pasting the code of my gitlab-ci.yml which would be useful to you to resolve this issue. Please ping me if you want something else also from the gitlab-ci.yml file.

Here is my gitlab-ci section:

  TagName: ${CI_COMMIT_TAG}

  stage: deploy
  # rules:
  #   - if: '$TagName == "*-stage"'
  #   - if: '$TagName == "*-prod"'
  #     when: manual
  image: ubuntu:20.04
  # tags:
  #   - docker-executor
    - apt-get update
    - echo "It's here in stage"
    - echo "$TagName =~ '/^*-stage/'"
    - tags
    - "$TagName =~ '/^*-stage/'"

  stage: deploy
  image: ubuntu:20.04
  # tags:
  #   - docker-executor
  # rules:
  #   - if: '$TagName == "*-prod"'
  # before_script:
  #   - apt-get update
    - echo "It's here in prod"
    - tags
    - $TagName =~ '/^*-prod/'


  • Only/except are deprecated

    to achieve that you want with rules, just use this example

        - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG =~ /-stage/i
          when: always
        - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG =~ /-prod/i
          when: never