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How to make the columns selections in dataframe when passed few columns as list

I have the function contains 3 parameters:

def foo(df, columns, additional_col=None):
       df = df[columns + additoinal columns]

if additional_col parameter then only it should append it to columns else it should keep columns as column selection


columns = ["A", "B", "C", "D"]
addtional_col = ["X", "Y"]

if additional_col is passed while calling the function foo then column selection would be df["A", "B", "C", "D", "X", "Y"] elseif additional_col is None then df["A", "B", "C", "D"]

tried join, map and split but couldn`t achieve the desire output. Need help on immediate basis. Thanks


    • Firstly, you will need to make sure that you make a copy of the columns list to prevent unexpected side effects of extending the original list.

    • If additional_col has items in the list it will equate to True when used in an if-statement.

    • So if additional_col has items, you can extend the columns list using the extend() function.

    • If it does not have items, then just use the original columns list.

    Here is the code:


    def foo(df, columns, additional_col=None):
        columns = list(columns)
        if additional_col:
            df = df[columns]
            df = df[columns]
        return df
    data = pd.DataFrame({"A":[1,2,3], "B":[4,5,6], "C":[7,8,9], "X":['a','b','c'], "Y":['d','e','f']})
    cols = ["A","B","C"]
    a = ["X","Y"]
    print(foo(data, cols,a))
    print(foo(data, cols))


       A  B  C  X  Y
    0  1  4  7  a  d
    1  2  5  8  b  e
    2  3  6  9  c  f
       A  B  C
    0  1  4  7
    1  2  5  8
    2  3  6  9