I am trying to run and generate resource for cloudflare but there is error to be able to run all the resource in the array for the script.
The error is :
FATA[0006] Could not route to /client/v4/accounts/access/certificates, perhaps your object identifier is invalid? (7003)
The resource that failed is cloudflare_access_mutual_tls_certificate
The script array is just minimum here, but would like the script to skip error and continue with the next in the array if one of the resource in the array failed.
set -e
examplearray=("cloudflare_access_application" "cloudflare_access_bookmark" "cloudflare_access_ca_certificate" "cloudflare_access_group"
"cloudflare_access_identity_provider" "cloudflare_zone_settings_override")
for example in ${examplearray[@]}; do
echo Extracting $example ...
cf-terraforming generate --resource-type $example > $example.txt
content=$(cat $example.txt)
Just continue
in the case of error.
The array seems entirely unnecessary (just enumerate the values directly as arguments to the for
loop) but here's a light refactoring.
set -e
examplearray=("cloudflare_access_application" "cloudflare_access_bookmark" "cloudflare_access_ca_certificate" "cloudflare_access_group"
"cloudflare_access_identity_provider" "cloudflare_zone_settings_override")
# notice quotes for robustness
for example in "${examplearray[@]}"; do
# diagnostics should go to stderr
echo "Extracting $example ..." >&2
content=$(cf-terraforming generate --resource-type "$example") || continue
echo "$content" > "$example".txt