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Web scraping with R - drop down menu

I'm trying to scraping from this address:

There are two drop down ("Origem" and "Destino"). I need to generate a database with all possible combinations of "Origem" and "Destino".

Below a part of the code in R. I'm not able to select an option within the drop down menu, so I can create a looping and extract the data I need.

Any suggestions?

library(RSelenium)  # activate Selenium server
remDr <- rs_driver_object$client


Origem <- remDr$findElement(using = 'id', 'Origem')
Destino <- remDr$findElement(using = 'id', 'Destino')
botão_pesquisar <- remDr$findElement(using = 'id', 'btnPesquisar')


  • Grab the values (which are the location IDs) in each combo box, have two arrays (from and to), make sure to append the labels also; this page makes a call to an endpoint that has the IDs posted as parameters - the call looks like this:

    headers = c(
      "Accept" = "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01",
      "Accept-Language" = "en-US,en;q=0.9",
      "Connection" = "keep-alive",
      "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
      "Cookie" = "__RequestVerificationToken_L1RyYW5zcG9ydGVDb2xldGl2bw2=tY-yKlWmbZvAJzMHmITkohPiIos5XkjDBwf1ZBfP_bYWdXJMBF2Qw3z_B-LRVo0kXjdnHqDqsbZ04Zij_PM-wAf4DWVKfnQskOhqo4ANSRc1",
      "Origin" = "",
      "Referer" = "",
      "User-Agent" = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
      "X-Requested-With" = "XMLHttpRequest"
    params = "origem=387&destino=388&__RequestVerificationToken=Z-wXmGOb9pnQbmkfcQXmChT-6uc3YfGjftHwK4HnC9SDCaKmzIafo7AI3lChBY6YDBHdpT_X98mSHGAr_YrTNgKiepKxKraGu7p6PI7dV4g1"
    res <- postForm("", .opts=list(postfields = params, httpheader = headers, followlocation = TRUE), style = "httppost")

    See the origem= and the destino= parameters? those are the values from the static combo box fields, would be easy to do this whole thing via simple web requests; the response for each call will look like this:

            "Codigo": 0,
            "Empresa": {
                "Codigo": 447,
                "Descricao": "VIAÇÃO VALE DO TIETE LTDA",
                "FlagCNPJ": false,
                "CNPJ": null,
                "CPF": null,
                "Fretamento": null,
                "Escolar": null,
                "Municipio": null,
                "UF": null,
                "Endereco": null,
                "Bairro": null,
                "CEP": null,
                "Telefone": null,
                "Email": null
            "CodigoMunicipioOrigem": 387,
            "CodigoMunicipioDestino": 388

    So when a trip is found, you'll have an array of.. Unsure what this is but entries for tickets I am assuming; the array returns 0 (null array) when the origin and destination have no schedules.