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Parallelization of bin packing problem by OpenMp

I am learning open mp, and I want to parallelize well-known BinPacking problem. But the problem is what whatever I try, can't get correct solution ( the one I get with sequential verstion).

So far, I have tried multiple different versions (including reduction, tasks, schedule) but didn't get anything useful.

Below is my the most recent try.

int binPackingParallel(std::vector<int> weight, int n, int c)
    int resltut = 0;
    int bin_rem[n];
    #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) reduction(+:result)
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        bool done = false;
        int j;
        for (j = 0; j < result && !done; j++) {
            int b ;
            #pragma omp atomic
            b = bin_rem[j] - weight[i];
            if ( b >= 0) {
                bin_rem[j] = bin_rem[j] - weight[i];
                done = true;
        if (!done) {
            #pragma omp critical
            bin_rem[result] = c - weight[i];
    return result;


Edit: I made modification on starting problem, so now there is given number of bins N and we need to check if all elements can be put in N bins. I made this by using recursion, still my parallel version is slower.

bool can_fit_parallel(std::vector<int> arr, std::vector<int> bins, int n) {
// base case: if the array is empty, we can fit the elements
if (arr.empty()) {
    return true;

bool found = false;
#pragma omp parallel for schedule (dynamic,10)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    if (bins[i] >= arr[0]) {
        bins[i] -= arr[0];
        if (can_fit_parallel(std::vector<int>(arr.begin() + 1, arr.end()), bins, n)) {
            found = true;
            #pragma omp cancel for

        // if the element doesn't fit or if the recursion fails,
        // restore the bin's capacity and try the next bin
        bins[i] += arr[0];

// if the element doesn't fit in any of the bins, return false
return found;


Any help would be great


  • You do not need parallelization to make your code significantly faster. You have implemented the First Fit method (its complexity is O(n2)), but it can be significantly faster if you use binary search trees (O(n Log n)). To do so, you just have to use the standard library (std::multiset), in this example I have implemented the BestFit algorithm:

    int binPackingSTL(const std::vector<int>& weight, const int n, const int c)
        std::multiset<int> bins;                        //multiset to store bins
        for (const auto x: weight) {
            const auto it=bins.lower_bound(x);        // find the best bin to accomodate x
              bins.insert(c - x);                       // if no suitale bin found insert a new one
            } else {
                //suitable bin found - replace it with a smaller value
                auto value=*it;         // store its value
                bins.erase(it);         // erase the old value
                bins.insert(value-x);   // insert the new value         
        return bins.size();             // number of bins 

    In my measurements, it is 100x times faster than your code in the case of n=50000

    EDIT: Both algorithms mentioned above (First-Fit and Best-Fit) are approximations to the bin packing problem. To answer your revised question, you have to use an algorithm that finds the optimal solution. So, you need to find an algorithm for the exact solution, not an approximation. Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel, you can consider using already available libraries such as BPPLIB – A Bin Packing Problem Library.