static ThreadLocal<Uint8List> threadBuffer = new ThreadLocal<Uint8List>() {
public byte[] initialValue() {
return new byte[512];
In Java, ThreadLocal is a class that provides thread-local variables. These are variables that are specific to a particular thread and are not shared among other threads.
So what is equivalent of this code snippets in dart.
Dart does not have thread-shared memory. Every isolate is single-threaded. Instead of concurrency, asynchronous code is event based.
You may still want to have "semi-global" state which is preserved across await
s, but is not shared by other events happening in-between.
You can use zones for that.
Future<void> doSomething
for (var id in [1, 2, 3]) {
runZoned(zoneValues: {#id: 42}, () async {
await firstPart();
var id = Zone.current[#id] as int; // Read id from zone
await secondPart();
This code runs the same code three times, but in different zones with different values bound to the #id
That's the closest thing to thread-local values in Dart.