I have a spring boot application using @EnabledAsync and @Async annotations, not defining any thread pool and taking the default values.
Cheking some metrics on Grafana, it seems thread count never stop increasing and EC2 instance eventually crashes.
I know I could define thread pool size and all those values but first I'd like to know what values spring boot is using. Is there a way to see them from the code? like getThreafPoolSize() or something like that?
I tried with debug=true in property file but I couldn't see those values. Any idea?
You can find the default behavior in the ThreadPoolTaskExecutor
class of the Spring Framework.
The maximum thread pool size within the class is defined as follows.
private int corePoolSize = 1;
private int maxPoolSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private int keepAliveSeconds = 60;
details can be found here.