I have a MetaTable Component that has LeftSidePanel wrapped with the UseContext. I want to open the panel when button is click on the MetaTable (passing some data to show detail of a particular record). My code works to open the Panel but when I click outside it doesn't close.I think I would need to set the State back on the parent. Tried a few things but failed. Any guidance please?
MetaTable Component
export const DrawerDataContext = createContext();
export const DrawerContext = createContext();
const [isDrawerOpen, setDrawerOpen] = useState();
const [bookId, setBookId] = useState({});
const toggleSidePanel = (row) => {
... <TableCell className={classes.tableCell}>
<Stack spacing={0}>
<Typography variant="body2" my={0}>
<Typography variant="body2" my={0}>
<Stack spacing={2}>
<button onClick={() => { toggleSidePanel(row); }} >toggle drawer</button>
<DrawerDataContext.Provider value={bookId}>
<DrawerContext.Provider value={isDrawerOpen} >
<LeftSidePanel />
LeftSidePanel Component
const book= useContext(DrawerDataContext);
const open = useContext(DrawerContext);
return (
<Drawer open={open} onClose={() => !open} anchor='left'>
<List style={{ width: 500 }}>
In addition to the value of your state, you can also share a function with your context to change its value:
<DrawerContext.Provider value={{
isOpen: isDrawerOpen,
close: () => setDrawerOpen(false)
And in your component:
const book = useContext(DrawerDataContext);
const { isOpen, close } = useContext(DrawerContext);
return (
<Drawer open={isOpen} onClose={close} anchor='left'>
<List style={{ width: 500 }}>