recently download oracle 11g, tried login using scott, turns out scott doesnt exist . I logged in using sys as sysdba and ran 'show pdbs' but it showed 'unknown show option pdbs'.
I looked up online and found that i need to run the scott.sql. But then i couldnt find the scott.sql file in the expected location. pls help
11g is rather old, there's no PDB there.
As you're logged as SYS
, run the following command and say what status you got (in my database, it is OPEN):
SQL> select account_status from dba_users where username = 'SCOTT';
If it is LOCKED (which might be), then run
SQL> alter user scott account unlock;
User altered.
SQL> alter user scott identified by tiger;
User altered.
and - finally - connect:
SQL> connect scott/tiger
If you really don't have that schema, create it. See this for more info.