I am new to react can someone tell me how can i access my ID of the box in edit button component so, that i can populate my fields in edit component from database?
const columns = [
title: "ID", //this is the ID
dataIndex: "boxId",
key: "boxId",
title: "Product Name",
dataIndex: "name",
key: "productName",
title: "Avatar",
dataIndex: "photoPath",
key: "avatar",
render: (src) => <img src={src} alt="" width="80px" height="60px" />,
title: "Box Sets",
dataIndex: "numberOfBox",
key: "boxSets",
title: "Box Type",
dataIndex: "boxType",
key: "boxType",
render: () => (
<br />
<Button type="dashed">Reward</Button>
title: "Sort Value",
dataIndex: "status",
key: "sortValue",
title: "State",
dataIndex: "status",
key: "state",
render: (value) => <Tag color="blue">{value}</Tag>,
title: "Time",
dataIndex: "updatedTime",
key: "time",
title: "Operations",
key: "operations",
render: () => (
<Row gutter={10}>
<Link to="/gift-management/edit-box/:boxId"> //This what i am trying to pass to next component
<Button type="primary" icon={<EditOutlined />}>
<ChangeState />
<Link to="/gift-management/box-items">
<Button icon={<ContainerOutlined />}>Box Items</Button>
<DeleteBox />
I am trying to access boxID in my edit Box component so that i can get data from my database and repopulate fields for editing option.on other form i am using formik and trying to populate its fields from database.
use the param
value in the render method
render: (param) => (
<Row gutter={10}>
<Link to={`/gift-management/edit-box/${param.data.boxId}`}>