I'm trying to bring together typing class attributes via generic types pointing at the current instance and inheritance. I ran into a problem that mypy seems to fail in narrowing down generic types bound by the class at creation to the same type as the current self
. I want to know if it's a bug or misunderstanding on my side.
Before we start:
Consider a simple scenario of implementing a Node
of a tree structure.
Naturally, such a node should have parent
and children
These can be optional. But, when they are not None
, they should be of the same class as Node
Let me illustrate that below:
from __future__ import annotations
from collections import abc
class Node:
def __init__(
self, parent: Node | None = None, children: abc.Sequence[Node] | None = None
self.parent = parent
self.children = children
Now, if we are to inherit from Node
without changing the __init__
's signature, we'd run into trouble: type of children doesn't reflect the inheritance:
from typing_extensions import reveal_type
class SpecialNode(Node):
sn = SpecialNode()
reveal_type(sn.children) # Union[Sequence[Node], None]
The correct way out (until PEP-673 is supported, see #11871) should be using generic types bound by Node
(see this answer for instance):
import typing as t
T = t.TypeVar('T', bound='Node')
class Node:
def __init__(
self: T, parent: T | None = None, children: abc.Sequence[T] | None = None
self.parent = parent
self.children = children
However, inheriting from this class doesn't narrow the type T
down to the subclass for the attributes:
sn = SpecialNode()
reveal_type(sn.children) # Union[Sequence[T`-1], None]
(It's not really clear to me at the moment what -1
stands for, but I assume T
is still a type variable bound by Node
The problem here is that if we were to use sn.children
in a function accepting Sequence[SpecialNode]
, mypy would not see Sequence[T`-1]
as an equivalent type and treat this attempt as an error.
def fn(xs: abc.Sequence[SpecialNode]) -> None:
if sn.children is not None:
fn(sn.children) # Argument 1 has incompatible type "Sequence[T]"
What I would want instead is for sn.children
to have the type Union[Sequence[SpecialNode], None]
or a type variable TypeVar('S', bound=SpecialNode)
One could also attempt to manually narrow down the T
type to the current instance's type:
def is_type(x: t.Any, _type: t.Type[T]) -> t.TypeGuard[T]:
return isinstance(x, _type)
def is_seq_of(s: abc.Sequence[t.Any], _type: t.Type[T]) -> t.TypeGuard[abc.Sequence[T]]:
return all(isinstance(x, _type) for x in s)
class Node:
def __init__(
self: T, parent: T | None = None, children: abc.Sequence[T] | None = None
assert parent is None or is_type(parent, self.__class__)
assert children is None or is_seq_of(children, self.__class__)
self.parent = parent
self.children = children
reveal_type(self.parent) # Union[T`-1, None]
reveal_type(self.children) # Union[Sequence[T`-1], None`]
sn = SpecialNode()
reveal_type(sn.children) # Union[Sequence[T`-1], None]
However, the revealed type is still Union[Sequence[T`-1], None]
; hence the type narrowing didn't work out.
Let me begin with sane solution, that uses master branch of mypy
where Self
is already supported (it will be added in v 1.0 release).
from collections import abc
import sys
# You may omit this guard and pick the import for your version;
# typing_extensions import will be valid forever,
# but stl is preferrable in general
if sys.version_info < (3, 11):
from typing_extensions import Self
from typing import Self
class Node:
def __init__(
self, parent: Self | None = None, children: abc.Sequence[Self] | None = None
self.parent = parent
self.children = children
class SpecialNode(Node):
sn = SpecialNode()
reveal_type(sn.children) # N: Revealed type is "Union[typing.Sequence[__main__.SpecialNode], None]"
Here's a playground link for this.
However, Self
type is not strictly necessary. Your example fails, because T
is bound only in __init__
, but ends up in attribute annotation, being completely pointless. Check this issue (inspired by your question, though I've seen much simpler cases of the same problem on SO) for some context. You can write an ugly workaround. This shows that mypy
actually has some knowledge about _parent
and _children
attributes (because we don't cast), but doesn't expose it without rain dances.
from collections import abc
import typing as t
_Self = t.TypeVar('_Self', bound='Node')
class Node:
# Here we require that constructr arguments are really of proper type,
# but hide _Self under properties later
def __init__(
self: _Self, parent: _Self | None = None, children: abc.Sequence[_Self] | None = None
self._parent = parent
self._children = children
def parent(self: _Self) -> _Self | None:
return self._parent
def parent(self: _Self, parent: _Self | None) -> None:
self._parent = parent
def parent(self) -> None:
del self._parent
def children(self: _Self) -> abc.Sequence[_Self] | None:
return self._children
def children(self: _Self, children: abc.Sequence[_Self] | None) -> None:
self._children = children
def children(self) -> None:
del self._children
class SpecialNode(Node):
sn = SpecialNode()
reveal_type(sn.children) # N: Revealed type is "Union[typing.Sequence[__main__.SpecialNode], None]"
reveal_type(sn.parent) # N: Revealed type is "Union[__main__.SpecialNode, None]"
sn.parent = SpecialNode()
sn.children = []
sn.parent = Node() # E: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Node", variable has type "Optional[SpecialNode]") [assignment]
sn.children = [Node()] # E: List item 0 has incompatible type "Node"; expected "SpecialNode" [list-item]
Here's playground link for this.
Bonus: if you still have an opportunity to adjust the API, do it, please. There should be one - and preferably only one - way to do something. In your case children = []
and children = None
means essentially the same - no children. If it doesn't make real difference (e.g. None meaning "not set yet"), then non-optional sequence would be saner.
Also (again, if mutating original list/set is not intended), I'd use children
setter anyway to accept any abc.Iterable[_Self]
and convert it to a list or tuple in setter - but this will kill mypy
, unfortunately (very annoying issue with unsupported asymmetric properties).