I am trying to fetch data from table where DateOfJoining is less than 2021-01-01 and i get the value.
Then I write another query to fetch the data from same table and now DateOfJoininng is less than 2021-02-01
I get the data but for 1 year I have to write it again and again but I want all data in single query in single output table where date of joining in that month is getting change till the date I specify assume till 5 month so how will query look like please help!
Here is the query that i write for five months
select count()
from STAREdee221f287.EmployeeDetail
where EmpStatus = 1 and CompanyId =1 and DateOfJoining <'2021-01-01'
select count()
from STAREdee221f287.EmployeeDetail
where EmpStatus = 1 and CompanyId = 1 and DateOfJoining <'2021-02-01'
select count()
from STAREdee221f287.EmployeeDetail
where EmpStatus = 1 and CompanyId = 1 and DateOfJoining <'2021-03-01'
select count()
from STAREdee221f287.EmployeeDetail
where EmpStatus = 1 and CompanyId = 1 and DateOfJoining <'2021-04-01'
select count(*)
from STAREdee221f287.EmployeeDetail
where EmpStatus = 1 and CompanyId = 1 and DateOfJoining <'2021-05-01'
and here is the result I get after executing above query result of query
You can use a calendar table. For the short list of dates you can use just VALUES to enumerate dates of interest. Alternatively it could be generated on the fly
with t0(n) as (
select n
from (
values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10)
) t(n)
),ns as(
select row_number() over(order by t1.n) - 1 n
from t0 t1, t0 t2, t0 t3
),calendar as (
-- replace 5 and '2021-01-01' with nmbr of months and starting date as needed
select top(5) DATEADD(month, n, '2021-01-01' ) dt
from ns
order by n
FROM EmployeeDetail
WHERE EmpStatus = 1 and CompanyId = 1 and DateOfJoining < calendar.dt) AS CNT,
'Before '+ cast(dt as varchar(10)) AS BeforeDateOfJoining
from calendar
order by dt