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Pandas - compute and pivot to get revenue from previous two years

I have a dataframe like as below

df = pd.DataFrame(
    {'stud_id' : [101, 101, 101, 101, 
                  101, 102, 102, 102],
     'sub_code' : ['CSE01', 'CSE01', 'CSE01', 
                   'CSE01', 'CSE02', 'CSE02',
                   'CSE02', 'CSE02'],
     'ques_date' : ['10/11/2022', '06/06/2022','09/04/2022', '27/03/2022', 
                '13/05/2010',  '10/11/2021','11/1/2022', '27/02/2022'],
     'revenue' : [77, 86, 55, 90, 
                65, 90, 80, 67]}
df['ques_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['ques_date'])

I would like to do the below

a) Compute custom financial year based on our organization FY calendar. Meaning, Oct-Dec is Q1, Jan -Mar is Q2,Apr - Jun is Q3 and July to Sep is Q4.

b) Group by stud_id

c) Compute sum of revenue from previous two custom FYs (from a specific date = 20/12/2022). For example, if we are in the FY-2023, I would like to get the sum of revenue for a customer from FY-2022 and FY-2021 separately

So, I tried the below based on this post here

df['custom_qtr'] = pd.to_datetime(df['ques_date'], dayfirst=True).dt.to_period('Q-SEP')
date_1 = pd.to_datetime('20-12-2022') # CUT-OFF DATE
df['custom_year'] = df['custom_qtr'].astype(str).str.extract('(?P<year>\d+)')
df['date_based_qtr']  = date_1.to_period('Q-SEP')
df['custom_date_year'] = df['date_based_qtr'].astype(str).str.extract('(?P<year>\d+)')
df['custom_year'] = df['custom_year'].astype(int)
df['custom_date_year'] = df['custom_date_year'].astype(int)
df['diff'] = df['custom_date_year'].sub(df['custom_year'])
df = df[df['diff'].isin([1,2])]
out_df = df.pivot_table("revenue", index=['stud_id'],columns=['custom_year'],aggfunc=['sum']).add_prefix('rev_').reset_index().droplevel(0,axis=1)

But this results in an inconcistent output column like below

enter image description here

I expect my output to be like as below

enter image description here

updated output

enter image description here


  • It seems you just need to first fine the quarter year, filter to only include 2021 and 2022 rows, and then summarize & pivot:

        qyear = pd.to_datetime(df['ques_date'], dayfirst=True).dt.to_period('Q-SEP').dt.qyear
      )[lambda x: x.qyear.isin([2021, 2022])]
      .assign(qyear=lambda x: x.qyear.astype('category').cat.set_categories([2021, 2022]))
      .groupby(['stud_id', 'qyear'])
    #qyear  stud_id  rev_2021  rev_2022
    #0          101         0       231
    #1          102         0       157

    For the update:

    df['qyear'] = pd.to_datetime(df['ques_date'], dayfirst=True).dt.to_period('Q-SEP').dt.qyear.astype('category').cat.set_categories([2021, 2022])
    df.groupby(['stud_id', 'sub_code', 'qyear']).revenue.sum().unstack(level=1, fill_value=0).add_prefix('rev_').reset_index(drop=False)
    sub_code  stud_id qyear  rev_CSE01  rev_CSE02
    0             101  2021          0          0
    1             101  2022        231          0
    2             102  2021          0          0
    3             102  2022          0        157