How could I get the dB value of the peak of a wav file (for example, the peak of some wav file could be -6db, aka its loudest point is -6db) using python?
here is an example of using wave, struct and math in Python to get the peak of an audio file.
import wave
import struct
import math
# Open the audio file
with'audio.wav', 'r') as audio:
# Extract the raw audio data
raw_data = audio.readframes(audio.getnframes())
# Convert the raw audio data to a list of integers
samples = struct.unpack('{n}h'.format(n=audio.getnframes()), raw_data)
# Find the peak sample
peak = max(samples)
# Calculate the reference value based on the bit depth of the audio file
reference_value = 2**(audio.getsampwidth() * 8 - 1)
# Calculate the peak value in dBFS, using the maximum possible sample value as the reference value
peak_dB = 20 * math.log10(peak / reference_value)