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postgresSql PIVOT: I want to return dynamic columns

I have stored data in DB like this:

id week qty product_code related_id
1 2201 10 X000001 24
2 2202 14 X000001 24
3 2201 15 X000002 24
4 2202 25 X000002 24
5 2210 11 X000001 25
6 2244 22 X000001 26

I want to make an sql query with the chosen related_id to get this result: For example if i chose the related_id = 24

product_code 2201 2202 2203 ...
X000001 10 14 ...
X000002 15 25 ...

I want to transform all the week values of the related_id into columns with ASC order and put the right qty in front of every (product_code, week) couple.



  • I got finally a solution after a few days of sql training, i post it here, it's may help someone, special thanks for @S-Man for the motivation :)

          sql text;
          WITH latest_create_date AS (
            SELECT product_code, week, MAX(create_date) AS max_create_date
            FROM my_table_name
            WHERE related_id = 437
            GROUP BY product_code, week
          SELECT string_agg(
            DISTINCT 'SUM(CASE WHEN rop.week = ' || CAST(rop.week AS text) ||
                     ' THEN rop.qty ELSE 0 END) AS ' || rop.week || '',
            ', '
          ) INTO sql
          FROM my_table_name rop
          INNER JOIN latest_create_date lcd
          ON rop.product_code = lcd.product_code AND rop.week = lcd.week AND rop.create_date = lcd.max_create_date;
          IF sql IS NOT NULL THEN
            sql := 'SELECT product_code, ' || sql ||
                   ' FROM my_table_name WHERE related_id = 437 GROUP BY product_code';
            EXECUTE sql;
          END IF;
        $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;