my code is without button that make select all
View class
builder: (controller) {
height: 50,
child: Transform.scale(
scale: 1.2,
child: Checkbox(
activeColor: MyThemes.yellow,
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(5)
splashRadius: 18.8,
value: controller.items[index]["check"],
onChanged:((value) {
controller.CheckBrand(index, value);
controller class
RxList<Map<String,dynamic>> items = [{"one": "Item1", "check": false},
{"one": "Item2", "check": false}, {"one": "Item3", "check": false}].obs;
CheckBrand(index, ischeck){ items[index]["check"]=ischeck; update(); }
I want to ask is there another way to make checkbox selection and how can I make select all button for this items
you can iterate over elements to check them all at once, you can use this method:
void checkAll({bool newValue = true}) {
items.value.forEach((element) {
element["check"] = newValue;
I will add also a method that uncheck all at once:
void unCheckAll() {
checkAll(newValue: false);
now from your view, just call it like this:
controller.checkAll(); // will check all check boxes
controller.unCheckAll(); // will uncheck all check boxes