Using psycopg2
, I could write large results as CSV using copy_expert
and a BytesIO
buffer like this with pandas
copy_sql = "COPY (SELECT * FROM big_table) TO STDOUT CSV"
buffer = BytesIO()
cursor.copy_expert(copy_sql, buffer, size=8192)
pd.read_csv(buffer, engine="c").to_excel(self.output_file)
However, I can't figure out how to replace the buffer
in copy_expert
with psycopg3
's new copy command. Has anyone figured out a way to do this?
The key to writing a large query to a file through psycopg3
in this fashion is to use a SpooledTemporaryFile
, which will limit the amount of memory usage in Python (see max_size
). Then after the CSV is written to disk, convert with pandas
from tempfile import SpooledTemporaryFile
from pandas import read_csv
from psycopg import connect
cursor = connect([connection]).cursor()
copy_sql = "COPY (SELECT * FROM stocks WHERE price > %s) TO STDOUT"
price = 100
with SpooledTemporaryFile(
) as tmpfile:
with cursor.copy(copy_sql, (price,)) as copy:
for data in copy:
read_csv(tmpfile, engine="c").to_excel("my_spreadsheet.xlsx")