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Component VirtualList, scroll programatically to the end of the list

Included in the page is a VirtualList like in the sample page

VirtualList<Person> list = new VirtualList<>();

The list itself contains many items and items will be periodically added to the end of the list. I initially want to show the last items of list.

I'm unable to find an API to scroll either to a specific index nor to the end of the list. Neither trying to scroll via Javascript was successfull. Does exists a solution for this problem or is the (very fast) VirtualList the right component?


  • Looking at the element documentation, there is a method, scrollToIndex. Looking at the Java API documentation, there is no Java API to call this method.

    You can still call it like so:

    list.getElement().callJsFunction("scrollToIndex", INDEX);

    If you plan on doing this often, make a utility method, or, better yet, extend VirtualList and use your class instead, e.g.:

    public class MyVirtualList<T> extends VirtualList<T> {
      // Could just return `void`.
      public PendingJavaScriptResult scrollToIndex(int index) {
        return getElement().callJsFunction("scrollToIndex", index);

    I reported the missing Java API for scrollToIndex and a PR was opened: