I have logins and passwords.
As sample LOGINS="sample1@mail.com","sample2@mail.com"
and PASSWORDS="qwer123!@#","rewq4321$#@!"
Passwords contain a "#"
. And .env remove all after this symbol. If i try to console.log result is just "qwer123!@"
without a second pass and "#"
I tried to use "\"
but it`s do nothing
I expect to use my passwords array with special charcters
Try this way, Put all passwords in single string separated by ,
and then split them so it would give an array.
// .env
and call the env value like this
const passwords = process.env.PASSWORDS?.split(',');
// Output: [ 'qwer123!@#asda', 'rewq4321$#@!' ]
Metadata: I've used dotenv
package in order to access the env variables from process.