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How can I get every property from the JSON I'm receiving? error TS2339: Property '' does not exist on type ''

I'm trying to get the information received via JSON, but I can't access it. The data arrives, as shown in the image below: screenshot from Console

When I tried to access any property from it, I received "undefined" or "Property 'name' does not exist on type 'Track[]'".


export class TrackService {

  constructor(private httpClient: HttpClient) { }

  private TracksUrlPre: string = '';
  private TracksUrlPos: string = '&api_key=78769e93e4d6f4576ee0a1cc572f84dc&format=json';

  retrieveAll(): Observable<Track[]> {
    return this.httpClient.get<Track[]>(`${this.TracksUrlPre}brazil${this.TracksUrlPos}`, {responseType: 'json'});


export class TrackListComponent implements OnInit {

  constructor(private trackService: TrackService) { }

  _tracks: Track[] = [];
  //_tracks2: Track[] = [];

  ngOnInit(): void {
      track => { 
        this._tracks = track;
        console.log(; // Output: Property 'name' does not exist on type 'Track[]'


export interface Track {
  tracks: {
    "track": [
        "name": string,
        "duration": number,
        "listeners": number,
        "mbid": string,
        "url": string,
        "streamable": {
          "#text": number,
          "fulltrack": number
        "artist": {
          "name": string,
          "mbid": string,
          "url": string
        "image": [
            "#text": string,
            "size": string
            "#text": string,
            "size": string
            "#text": string,
            "size": string
            "#text": string,
            "size": string
        "@attr": {
          "rank": number
    "@attr": {
      "country": string,
      "page": number,
      "perPage": number,
      "totalPages": number,
      "total": number

I tried,, this._tracks[0], this._tracks[0].name. I think maybe the problem is the way to access the properties inside "tracks" in the hierarchy or the data is not being allocated in the _tracks array.


    1. The API returns a response with the Track type. In the retrieveAll method, it should return an Observable of Track type.


    retrieveAll(): Observable<Track> {
      return this.httpClient.get<Track>(
        { responseType: 'json' }
    1. Declare a _track variable with Track type.
    _track: Track;
    1. Assign the track value received from retrieveAll method to _track. To get the first name of the item, use this._track.tracks.track[0].name.
    this.trackService.retrieveAll().subscribe((track) => {
      this._track = track;

    Demo @ StackBlitz