My question isn't really about why I get the error, because I already found something of a solution, but this one wont work for me. So I tried this
import random
import listAdventureGame
p_aT = 'no armor'
armor_type = listsAdventureGame.aT
armor_durability = listsAdventureGame.aD
armor_points = listsAdventureGame.aP
game_data = dict(zip(str(armor_type[p_aT]), str(armor_durability[p_aT])))
p_aP = armor_points[p_aT]
p_aT = random.choice(list(game_data))
p_aD = game_data[p_aT]
print("Armor type:", p_aT)
print("Armor durability:", p_aD)
print("Armor point(s):", p_aP)
aT = {'no armor': 'nothing',
'light': ('leather armor', 'normal clothes', 'ranger armor', 'animal skins'),
'medium': ('chain mail armor', 'fireproof cloak', 'tank armor', 'fighter armor', 'copper armor'),
'heavy': ('plate armor', 'dragon scale armor', 'rune armor')}
aD = {'no armor': 0,
'light': (100, 75, 90, 105),
'medium': (130, 110, 145, 115, 120),
'heavy': (185, 200, 190)}
aP = {'no armor': 100,
'light': 5,
'medium': 3,
'heavy': 2}
but then the output is something like
Armor type: n
Armor durability: 0
Armor points: 100
and I want Armor type: nothing
and when I change the p_aT
it still works, I'm going to make this a function somewhere in the future.
I removed the str()
in the zip()
game_data = dict(zip(armor_type[p_aT], armor_durability[p_aT]))
I'm really just a beginner and a visual learner, so if you're able to do it by showing the code.
Thx in advance
As you said, 'when I change the p_aT
it still works' (I imagine you mean it works with other armor types): if so, find the difference between 'no armor' and other armor types; it lies in the first 2 dictionaries, where you use tuples except for the 'no armor' key. The fix is then easy to devise:
aT = {'no armor': ('nothing',), ...
aD = {'no armor': (0,), ...
the game_data
statement will now return the correct result for 'no armor'.