i have problem on spring boot starter security V3.0.0
For this configuration :
public SecurityFilterChain filterChain( final HttpSecurity http ) throws Exception {
.sessionManagement().sessionCreationPolicy( SessionCreationPolicy.STATELESS )
.requestMatchers( HttpMethod.OPTIONS ).permitAll()
.requestMatchers( "/system/**" ).hasRole( new SecurityRole( Role.ROLE_SYSTEM ).toString() )
.requestMatchers( "/admin/**" ).hasRole( new SecurityRole( Role.ROLE_AUTH_ADMIN ).toString() )
.requestMatchers( "/identity/**" ).hasRole( new SecurityRole( Role.ROLE_AUTH_IDENTITY ).toString() )
.requestMatchers( "/guest/**" ).permitAll()
.oauth2ResourceServer( OAuth2ResourceServerConfigurer::jwt );
return http.build();
All exceptions thrown by "/guest/**" endpoint are converted to HTTP 401 whitout body. Even when I issue an HTTP 409 with this class :
@ResponseStatus( code = HttpStatus.CONFLICT )
public class HttpConflictException extends RuntimeException {
public HttpConflictException( String message ) {
super( message );
IMPORTANT : When no exception is thrown, the query works
If this line
.requestMatchers( "/guest/**" ).permitAll()
is replaced by this
.requestMatchers( "/**" ).permitAll()
it works. But this option seems too dangerous. Am I not understanding something? I haven't seen anything in the documentation that can help with this issue.
Dependencies :
Thank you.
Ok, I found a solution that seems to work.
Adding this line fixes the problem :
.dispatcherTypeMatchers( DispatcherType.ERROR ).permitAll()
Complete code :
public SecurityFilterChain filterChain( final HttpSecurity http ) throws Exception {
.sessionManagement().sessionCreationPolicy( SessionCreationPolicy.STATELESS )
.dispatcherTypeMatchers( DispatcherType.ERROR ).permitAll()
.requestMatchers( HttpMethod.OPTIONS ).permitAll()
.requestMatchers( "/guest/**" ).permitAll()
.requestMatchers( "/system/**" ).hasRole( new SecurityRole( Role.ROLE_SYSTEM ).toString() )
.requestMatchers( "/admin/**" ).hasRole( new SecurityRole( Role.ROLE_AUTH_ADMIN ).toString() )
.requestMatchers( "/identity/**" ).hasRole( new SecurityRole( Role.ROLE_AUTH_IDENTITY ).toString() )
.oauth2ResourceServer( OAuth2ResourceServerConfigurer::jwt );
return http.build();
Documentation : https://docs.spring.io/spring-security/reference/servlet/authorization/authorize-http-requests.html