I'm having a hard time coming up with a solution. I'm writing code in Python using the Selenium library to pull reports from a site we utilize. In order to access the reports, it has to click on a link to expand so the code can find the report names. The issue I'm running into is the code is running fine and clicking on the link, but the link isn't expanding to reveal the reports. Debugging is saying that the link is found and clicked with a post response of 200, but nothing is happening. Due to the nature of the response code saying everything is fine, I'm at a loss of why the folder isn't expanding. Due to the nature of the site, I cannot share too much but have attached my code that I can share along with screenshots.
wait = WebDriverWait(driver_chrom, 30)
def Try_Wait(args, thing_string):
logger_write.debug("found element "+thing_string)
#print("found args for ", thing_string)
def Button_Click(args, thing_string):
logger_write.debug("Found button click"+thing_string)
#print('clicking button for ', thing_string)
#print('did not click button ', thing_string)
logger_write.error("Did not find button "+thing_string)
thing_string = 'Opening folder for reports'
Try_Wait((By.XPATH,'//div[@id="folder1"]/table/tbody/tr//td[a[starts-with(@href, "javascript:clickOnNode(") and contains(@href, "1") and contains(text(),"Standard")]]'), thing_string)
Button_Click((By.XPATH,'//div[@id="folder1"]/table/tbody/tr//td[a[starts-with(@href, "javascript:clickOnNode(") and contains(@href, "1") and contains(text(),"Standard")]]'), thing_string)
This is what it looks like after code above runs
This is what it should look like so that reports are loaded into the html
Try following xpath
should work for you.
Instead this
//div[@id="folder1"]/table/tbody/tr//td[a[starts-with(@href, "javascript:clickOnNode(") and contains(@href, "1") and contains(text(),"Standard")]]
Or use Link_Text
since it is anchor rag
Try_Wait((By.LINK_TEXT ,"Standard"), thing_string)
Button_Click((By.LINK_TEXT ,"Standard"), thing_string)