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Logic App to Queue - SSL connection could not be established

We have a Logic App trying to access the Storage Account Queue, secured by a private endpoint. Both resources are in the same SNET. We have configured our Managed Identities correctly and given Storage Queue Data Contributor access to the storage account. When trying to put a message in the queue, we are getting the error:

SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception.

We checked this Microsoft documentation but are not aware of what certificate they are talking about. Please check the error screenshot below.

enter image description here


  • It turns out that we need to whitelist the IP addresses in our company's firewall. However, there is a catch. According to this community post, we required our logic app and storage accounts in different regions. Since the move was not possible, we changed all our connectors to built-in connectors instead of Azure public connectors. Changing to the built-in connectors came with its own challenges, but we were able to achieve our purpose.