I cannot uninstall a certain VS Code extension (CodeLLDB) that is installed in my WSL. If I try with the VS Code GUI after reopening the program the extension is still there. If I try with the console the same thing happens.
I tried the following, as some answers here recommended:
$ code --list-extensions
That is the extension I want to uninstall, so I run:
$ code --uninstall-extension vadimcn.vscode-lldb --force
Uninstalling vadimcn.vscode-lldb...
Extension 'vadimcn.vscode-lldb' was successfully uninstalled!
But if I list them again it is still there:
$ code --list-extensions
I use WSL 2 with Ubuntu 20.04.
Finally I found that the extensions where installed in my WSL2 in the directory ~/.vscode-server/extensions/
as this answer says, so the way to uninstall it is:
$ cd ~/.vscode-server/extensions/
$ rm -rf <extension-name>