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Find xy coordinates of a point knowing its distance to other 2 points

I'm writing a code in R to calculate the xy coordinates of point, using the law of cosines. I have two reference points (1 and 2) which the xy coordinates are known. I want to find the coordinates of the other point (3). I know the distances 3-1, 3-2 and 1-2, but I don't know the angles between them.

Thanks in advance for any help!

I've tried some trigonometric equations I've found on web and Rohlf&Archie 1978 paper, but they don't work.


  • You haven't told us your set-up exactly, but it sounds as though you have two known x, y, co-ordinates:

    x1 <- 1
    x2 <- 5
    y1 <- 3
    y2 <- 6

    And known distances between these two points plus a third point:

    d12 <- 5
    d13 <- 8
    d23 <- 5

    We can draw them like this:

    plot(c(x1, x2), c(y1, y2), xlim = c(0, 12), ylim = c(0, 12))
    text(c(x1, x2), c(y1, y2) + 0.5, labels = c('1', '2'))

    enter image description here

    Now, it's obviously easy to calculate the angle between the horizontal line and the segment joining points 1 and two - it's just the arctangent of the slope:

    abline(h = y1, lty = 2)
    theta <- atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1)
    segments(x1, y1, x1 + d12 * cos(theta), y1 + d12 * sin(theta), lty = 2)

    enter image description here

    Now, although we don't know where point 3 is, we can use the law of cosines to calculate the angle 3-1-2 like this:

    angle_312 <- acos((d12^2 + d13^2 - d23^2)/(2 * d12 * d13))

    To get this in terms of angle from the horizontal we can do:

    angle_13 <- angle_312 - theta

    This allows us to work out the co-ordinates of point 3:

    x3 <- x1 + d13 * cos(angle_13)
    y3 <- y1 + d13 * sin(angle_13)

    We can draw this point on our plot as follows:

    points(x3, y3)
    text(x3, y3 + 0.5, '3')

    enter image description here

    And we can show that it is correct by drawing circles of the correct radius around points one and two. Point 3 should be at the meeting point of the two circles:

    polygon(x1 + dist_1_3 * cos(seq(0, 2 * pi, length = 100)), 
            y1 + dist_1_3 * sin(seq(0, 2 * pi, length = 100)), lty = 2)
    polygon(x2 + dist_2_3 * cos(seq(0, 2 * pi, length = 100)), 
            y2 + dist_2_3 * sin(seq(0, 2 * pi, length = 100)), lty = 2)

    enter image description here

    Note that there is a second solution at the other point where the circles meet: in this case we would get that by changing angle_13 <- angle_312 - theta to angle_13 <- angle_312 + theta:

    angle_13 <- angle_312 + theta
    x3 <- x1 + d13 * cos(angle_13)
    y3 <- y1 + d13 * sin(angle_13)
    points(x3, y3)
    text(x3, y3 + 0.5, '3')

    enter image description here