I am working on a script to extract data into text file (fossa_results.txt) through curl command and the extracted response will be as below
"license_count": 32,
"dependency_count": 295,
"todo_count": 9,
"unresolved_issue_count": 6,
"unresolved_licensing_issue_count": 2,
"unresolved_security_issue_count": 4,
"unresolved_quality_issue_count": 0,
the above response is written to a text file (fossa_results.txt) and I am trying to perform replace string operation on that file using sed command and regex pattern and the expected outcome is as below and write back to same file (fossa_results.txt)
License Count= 32
Dependency Count= 295
Todo Count= 9
Unresolved Issue Count= 6
Unresolved Licensing Issue Count= 2
Unresolved Security Issue Count= 4
Unresolved Quality Issue Count= 0
Below is the script I have used for this.
sed -i 's/^[[:space:]]*//' fossa_results.txt -- trying to remove leading spaces
sed -i 's/[[:space:]]*$//' fossa_results.txt -- trying to remove trailing spaces
sed -i 's/"\""/""/g' fossa_results.txt -- trying to replace "
sed -i 's/"\"\\[.*?\\]: "/""/g' fossa_results.txt - trying to remove any unwanted string that comes within [] like date.
sed -i 's/"\"\\[.*?\\]"/""/g' "fossa_results.txt"
sed -i 's/"\"license_count:"/"License Count="/g' "fossa_results.txt"
sed -i 's/"\"todo_count:"/"Todo Count="/g' "fossa_results.txt"
sed -i 's/"\" dependency_count:"/"Dependancy Count="/g' "fossa_results.txt"
sed -i 's/"\" unresolved_issue_count:"/"Unresolved Issue Count="/g' "fossa_results.txt"
sed -i 's/"\" unresolved_licensing_issue_count:"/"Unresolved Licensing Issue Count="/g' "fossa_results.txt"
sed -i 's/"\" unresolved_security_issue_count:"/"Unresolved Security Issue Count="/g' "fossa_results.txt"
sed -i 's/"\" unresolved_quality_issue_count:"/"Unresolved Quality Issue Count="/g' "fossa_results.txt"
fossaresults="$(cat fossa_results.txt)"
but when I print fossa_results.txt through cat command it printing the original data and it seems like replace is not working.
An awk
awk '{ gsub(":","="); gsub(/^ *|\"|,/,""); gsub("_"," "); for (i=1; i<=NF; ++i) { $i=toupper(substr($i,1,1)) tolower(substr($i,2)); }}1' src.dat
License Count= 32
Dependency Count= 295
Todo Count= 9
Unresolved Issue Count= 6
Unresolved Licensing Issue Count= 2
Unresolved Security Issue Count= 4
Unresolved Quality Issue Count= 0
replace all colons with equal sign gsub(":","=");
replace leading spaces or double quotes or commas with empty string gsub(/^ *|\"|,/,"");
replace underscore with single space gsub("_"," ");
capitalize the first letter of each field for (i=1; i<=NF; ++i) { $i=toupper(substr($i,1,1)) tolower(substr($i,2)); }}1'
Input file src.dat contents:
"license_count": 32,
"dependency_count": 295,
"todo_count": 9,
"unresolved_issue_count": 6,
"unresolved_licensing_issue_count": 2,
"unresolved_security_issue_count": 4,
"unresolved_quality_issue_count": 0,