i have a working script with function SendMsg It send mail when is require. However require to modify it.
When everything is good - send only a message. When error - send a message with attachment
$recipients = "test@eva.com","test2@eva.com"
function SendMsg() {
$mailParams = @{
from = "Boss@eva.com"
to = $recipients.Split(';')
subject = "PWE script"
smtpserver = "mailer.eva.com"
$Attach = $mailParams.Add("Attachments","c:\tmp\1.txt")
Send-MailMessage @mailParams
#Error in the script bellow
SendMsg -Attachment $Attach -message "Error"
#As expect
SendMsg -message "All Good"
In this form attachment is added always. What do i need to change to reach the goal?
Spent a lot of time and stuck. I know how to do it with variables without hashtable, however wanna try not modified whole function because of it.
Any help would be appreciated!
You don't need to change much, simply test if your parameter $Attachment
has a value or not and only add it to the splatting Hashtable if there is some value given
function SendMsg() {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] # there must at least be one recipient
# the other parameters are optional and $null by default
[String]$Message = $null,
[String[]]$Attachment = $null # [string[]] to allow for an array of attachments
$mailParams = @{
from = "Boss@eva.com"
to = $To
subject = "PWE script"
body = $Message
smtpserver = "mailer.eva.com"
# test if the Attachment array has values and only then add it to the Hashtable
if ($Attachment.Count -gt 0) {
$mailParams['Attachments'] = $Attachment
Send-MailMessage @mailParams
# send your email
SendMsg -To "test@eva.com", "test2@eva.com" -Attachment "c:\tmp\1.txt" -Message "Should be fine"