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How to access the top-level statement variable in a class in C#?

I have a simple code below. I want to access the variable x in the class Program. As x is a global variable, I should be able to access it, Is there a way to access the top-level variable apart from the top level?

int x = 0;

namespace ConsoleApp1
    internal class Program

        public void TestMethod()
            int y = x;

Error message:

CS8801 Cannot use local variable or local function 'x' declared in a top-level statement in this context

Is the below only allowed? I mean to access at the top level only?

int x = 0;
int z = x; //no compilation error?

Edit: int y = global::x; also gives compilation error


  • Is the below only allowed? I mean to access at the top level only?

    Yes, top-level statements actually generate a method and all declared variables are local to it. I.e. your code will be translated to something like the following (@sharplab):

    internal class Program
        private static void <Main>$(string[] args)
            int num = 0;
    namespace ConsoleApp1
        internal class Program
            public void TestMethod()

    Also note that actual generated class/method names can depend on the framework/SDK/compiler version, because in .NET 6 the generational pattern changed, as I understand to support integration tests for ASP.NET Core with minimal hosting model.

    More info about the generation patterns can be found in the docs.