I would like to extract the links
listed under "Information" on a webpage using R
. The data is publicly available and scraping is not prohibitet.
With an empty search on https://fsca.swissmedic.ch/mep/#/ and >export results I get a CSV. However, this CSV does not include what I need (links under "Information"). I thought that I could use this CSV (with unique identifiers, e.g., Vk_20220224_16
) to programmatically open the pages separately (e.g., https://fsca.swissmedic.ch/mep/#/?q=Vk_20220224_16) and then extract these links (with a function using html_attr("href")
Unfortunately, I fail to get the content of the separate pages.
I get an error message (400 Bad Request) when I use httr:GET(url)
I think I get this error message because my request does not include all parameter that the server needs. Is there a way to check which parameter are needed so that the server understands my request?
# read html
html <- GET("https://fsca.swissmedic.ch/mep/#/?q=Vk_20220224_16")
#> Response [https://fsca.swissmedic.ch/mep/#/?q=Vk_20220224_16]
#> Date: 2022-12-22 23:13
#> Status: 400
#> Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
#> Size: 347 B
#> <html><head>
#> <title>400 Bad Request</title>
#> </head><body>
#> <h1>Bad Request</h1>
#> <p>Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.<br />
#> </p>
#> <p>Additionally, a 400 Bad Request
#> error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the requ...
#> </body></html>
Created on 2022-12-23 with reprex v2.0.2
I just learned that I can check the parameter needed using firefox:
So I tried using httr::POST
but I still do not get the page content/table, I only get "Loading..."
# set parameter
body <- list(
res <- POST(
body = jsonlite::toJSON(body),
encode = "form",
# get results
#> {html_document}
#> <html>
#> [1] <head>\n<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8 ...
#> [2] <body>\n<mep-app>Loading...</mep-app><script type="text/javascript" src=" ...
Created on 2022-12-23 with reprex v2.0.2
How to request with httr2
"https://fsca.swissmedic.ch/mep/api/publications/search?pageNumber=0&sortingProperty=PUBLICATION_DATE&direction=DESC" %>%
request() %>%
fromDate = "2022-12-04",
toDate = "2022-12-20",
queryTerm = NULL,
onlyUpdates = "false"
) %>%
req_perform() %>%
resp_body_json(simplifyVector = T) %>%
pluck("content") %>%
# A tibble: 37 × 9
publikationsDatum swissmedicRef hersteller status status…¹ begru…² devices freig…³ docum…⁴
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <list> <lgl> <list>
1 2022-12-07 Vk_20221202_03 Medtronic CoreValve LLC UPDATE 2022-12… "Added… <df> TRUE <df>
2 2022-12-20 Vk_20221216_12 Biocartis NV UPDATE 2022-12… "Added… <df> TRUE <df>
3 2022-12-20 Vk_20221219_01 Siemens Healthcare GmbH FIRST 2022-12… "" <df> TRUE <df>
4 2022-12-20 Vk_20221216_19 Medicvent AB FIRST 2022-12… "" <df> TRUE <df>
5 2022-12-20 Vk_20221213_25 Macopharma FIRST 2022-12… "" <df> TRUE <df>
6 2022-12-20 Vk_20221208_26 Spiegelberg GmbH & Co. KG FIRST 2022-12… "" <df> TRUE <df>
7 2022-12-06 Vk_20221201_21 Fujifilm Corporation UPDATE 2022-12… "Rewor… <df> TRUE <df>
8 2022-12-20 Vk_20221216_15 Maquet Critical Care AB FIRST 2022-12… "" <df> TRUE <df>
9 2022-12-20 Vk_20221216_17 Siemens Healthcare GmbH FIRST 2022-12… "" <df> TRUE <df>
10 2022-12-20 Vk_20221215_03 custo med GmbH FIRST 2022-12… "" <df> TRUE <df>
# … with 27 more rows, and abbreviated variable names ¹statusDatum, ²begruendung, ³freigeschaltet,
# ⁴documents
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows
With search parameter
"https://fsca.swissmedic.ch/mep/api/publications/search?pageNumber=0&sortingProperty=PUBLICATION_DATE&direction=DESC" %>%
request() %>%
fromDate = NULL,
toDate = NULL,
queryTerm = "Vk_20220224_16",
onlyUpdates = "false"
)) %>%
req_perform() %>%
resp_body_json(simplifyVector = TRUE) %>%
pluck("content") %>%
as_tibble() %>%
# A tibble: 3 × 16
publikatio…¹ swiss…² herst…³ status statu…⁴ begru…⁵ hande…⁶ sn lot swVer…⁷ model besch…⁸ freig…⁹ title
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <chr>
1 2022-03-07 Vk_202… Siemen… FIRST 2022-0… "" Artis … "" "" "" "" MD: St… TRUE DE-1
2 2022-03-07 Vk_202… Siemen… FIRST 2022-0… "" Artis Q "" "" "" "" MD: St… TRUE FR-1
3 2022-03-07 Vk_202… Siemen… FIRST 2022-0… "" Artis … "" "" "" "" MD: St… TRUE IT-1
# … with 2 more variables: language <chr>, version <chr>, and abbreviated variable names ¹publikationsDatum,
# ²swissmedicRef, ³hersteller, ⁴statusDatum, ⁵begruendung, ⁶handelsname, ⁷swVersion, ⁸beschreibungKlasse,
# ⁹freigeschaltet
# ℹ Use `colnames()` to see all variable names
Download links of the documents, which can be looped/mapped to auto download:
str_c("https://fsca.swissmedic.ch/mep/api/publications/", "Vk_20220224_16",
"/documents/", 0:(number_of_documents - 1))
[1] "https://fsca.swissmedic.ch/mep/api/publications/Vk_20220224_16/documents/0"
[2] "https://fsca.swissmedic.ch/mep/api/publications/Vk_20220224_16/documents/1"
[3] "https://fsca.swissmedic.ch/mep/api/publications/Vk_20220224_16/documents/2"