timestamp IFPID Outcome Share Price Trade Qty Date
0 10/05/2022 08:04 SP3K4K5 dn 36 100 2022-10-05
1 10/05/2022 08:04 SP3K4K5 up 64 100 2022-10-05
2 10/05/2022 08:04 SP3K4K5 up 65 100 2022-10-05
3 10/05/2022 08:04 SP3K4K5 dn 35 100 2022-10-05
4 11/05/2022 00:54 SP3K4K5 up 57 64 2022-11-05
5 11/05/2022 00:54 SP3K4K5 dn 43 64 2022-11-05
I want to new variable Expected(a binary class with buy or sell) which will be computed based on the aggregation of the the Date and Outcome variables by the share price variable and assign buy when the mean of the of up outcome for a particular date is higher than the mean of the dn outcome.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'outcome': ['dn', 'up', 'up', 'dn', 'up', 'dn'], 'share price': [36,64,65,35,57,43],'date':['10/5/22', '10/5/22', '10/5/22', '10/5/22', '11/5/22','11/5/22']})
piv = df.pivot_table(index="date", columns="outcome", values="share price", aggfunc='mean', fill_value=0)
piv['label'] = np.select([piv['dn']<piv['up'],piv['dn']>piv['up']], ['sell','buy'])