I have a Java/Spring-based microservices architecture with two services:
I have specified B's endpoint using OpenAPI. I'm using OpenAPI Generator to generate both the client in A (Spring WebClient), and the server in B (Spring Boot).
My question is this: what do I need to do to pass the Authorization header along from A to B? I see how to set a static header, but I don't know how to pass the header based on what's received by A.
Similar to this question, but for WebClient: OpenAPI client generator Java - header per call
Turns out my problem was how I specified the endpoint security in my OpenAPI specification.
I added:
type: oauth2
authorizationUrl: https://example.com/oauth/authorize
tokenUrl: https://example.com/oauth/token
read: Read scope
And made a reference to that security schema on my endpoint:
- s2s:
- read
Now, when I run openapi-generate
on this schema and generate it to either Spring Boot (server) or Java WebClient (client), the generated endpoint signature looks like:
method = RequestMethod.GET,
value = "/foo",
produces = { "application/json" }
Mono<ResponseEntity<MyResponse>> foo(
@Parameter(name = "Authorization", description = "", required = true) @RequestHeader(value = "Authorization", required = true) String authorization,
@Parameter(hidden = true) final ServerWebExchange exchange
The String authorization
argument to the method was not previously being generated and it's what I needed here. It allows me to pass A's header along to the call to B.
Props to @Ch4mp for helping out here.