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Merging custom type with one from external library in Typescript

I have a type in an external library that looks like this:

export declare type CreateProductInput = {
    title: string;

I want this type to have another attribute so tried to add to it in my own index.d.ts file:

I have tried the following:

export declare type CreateProductInput = {
    subtitle: string;

But that did not work. I also tried the following:

declare module '@path/to/library/type/file' {
    declare interface CreateProductInput {
        subtitle: string;

However, doing this overwrites the type completely and I no longer have access to the title field.

Can one merge types like this? Basically, I want to modify the original type by adding another property to it.


  • If you really want to stick with type then you should be able to do this even on an imported type:

    type a = {
        title: string
    type b = a & {
        subtitle: string
    const c: b = {
        title: "title",
        subtitle: "subtitle"

    The other option would be to use an interface:

    type d = {
        title: string
    interface e extends d  {
        subtitle: string
    const f: e = {
        title: "title",
        subtitle: "subtitle"

    Check out both in the playground. What you want to do with overwriting the type the way you're trying to do so isn't possible and is poor form. Create a new type/interface that has what you need.