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Singleshot: SLOT with arguments

I have a strange problem. Here is my code:

def method1(self, arg1, delay=True):
    """This is a method class"""

    def recall(arg1):
        self.method1(arg1, delay=False)

    if delay:
            print "A: ", arg1, type(arg1)
            QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(1, self, QtCore.SLOT(recall(int)), arg1)

    print "B: ", arg1, type(arg1)

So I get this in console:

A:  0 <type 'int'>
B:  <type 'int'> <type 'type'>

In "B" you should get the same than in "A". Anyone knows what's wrong? How can I get the arg1 value instead of its type? This is not making any sense...

PS: I'm trying something like this:


  • It looks like when you are calling this:

    QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(1, self, QtCore.SLOT(recall(int)), arg1)

    are you meaning to call this instead?

    QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(1, self, QtCore.SLOT(recall(arg1)), arg1)

    you are passing int as the first argument of recall, which passes it directly to method1. int is a type object (the type of integers).