I found some code that should change my wallpaper:
import subprocess
SCRIPT = """/usr/bin/osascript<<END
tell application "Finder"
set desktop picture to POSIX file "%s"
end tell
def set_desktop_background(filename):
subprocess.Popen(SCRIPT%filename, shell=True)
But I get this error:
30:45: execution error: Finder got an error: AppleEvent handler failed. (-10000)
Does anyone know what went wrong, or what I can do about this?
Your AppleScript is causing the error. Instead, try using the code from this answer. Note that you need to use an absolute path, so you should use os.path.abspath()
import subprocess
import os
SCRIPT = """/usr/bin/osascript<<END
tell application "System Events" to set picture of (reference to current desktop) to "%s"
def set_desktop_background(filename):
abspath = os.path.abspath(filename)
subprocess.Popen(SCRIPT % abspath, shell=True)