I am testing android adb to screen capture. Then I can take a full screen shot, now I want to capture the coordinates. I use the following command line:
adb shell screencap -p -d 0 /sdcard/test.png
With this command line, I captured the full screen. After consulting n+1 places, I was told that the following command line captures by coordinates (coordinates are placed after -d id)
adb shell screencap -p -d 0 266 655 664 554 /sdcard/test.png
But after running, the results are returned as below, can someone help me
usage: screencap [-hp] [-d display-id] [FILENAME]
-h: this message
-p: save the file as a png.
-d: specify the display id to capture, default 0.
If FILENAME ends with .png it will be saved as a png.
If FILENAME is not given, the results will be printed to stdout.
does not accept coordinates as the help clearly states.
specifies the display ID that can be obtained using
dumpsys SurfaceFlinger --display-id
on a single display device, you'll be fine using the default though.
Using AndroidViewClient/culebra you can do this
#! /usr/bin/env python3
from com.dtmilano.android.viewclient import ViewClient
device, serialno = ViewClient.connectToDeviceOrExit()
device.takeSnapshot().crop((100, 50, 500, 600)).save('/tmp/myscreencap.png', 'PNG')
then /tmp/myscreencap.png
will contain the cropped box (as (left, top, right, bottom)).
However, if what you are trying t achieve is to obtain screenshots of specific Views and not just random coordinates you can also use View.writeImageToFile()
check https://github.com/dtmilano/AndroidViewClient/blob/master/examples/adbclient/screenshot-box for a complete example