I want to generate Swagger.Json file on build and use it in API gateway to configure the endpoints.
I have tried following steps but its not working.
Create a tool manifest:
dotnet new tool-manifest
Install the Swashbuckle CLI tool and add it to the local manifest file: But this step fails
dotnet tool install --version 6.4.0 Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Cli
Error :
NU1202: Package Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Cli 6.4.0 is not compatible with net6.0 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v6.0). Package Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Cli 6.4.0 supports:
- net5.0 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v5.0) / any
- net6.0 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v6.0) / any
- netcoreapp2.1 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v2.1) / any
- netcoreapp3.0 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v3.0) / any
NU1212: Invalid project-package combination for Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Cli 6.4.0. DotnetToolReference project style can only contain references of the DotnetTool type
NU1212: Invalid project-package combination for Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Cli 6.4.0. DotnetToolReference project style can only contain references of the DotnetTool type
Package 'Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Cli 6.4.0' has a package type 'DotnetTool' that is not supported by project 'WebApi'.
UPDATED: Generate Swagger JSON File: A Method Using CLI without the Necessity to Debug or Run the App for Generation--
A. (optional) In the API project properties, (1) enable the documentation file, and (2) specify the output XML filename and path.
Source: Adding Swagger to ASP.NET Core Web API Using XML Documentation
Include the on-build generated file in the Swagger configuration to make all documentation references appear in the Swagger UI.
B. Run the following commands to enable on-build Swagger JSON config file generation and set the path to the Web API project:
dotnet new tool-manifest
dotnet tool install --version 5.3.1 Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Cli
the version is optional and should be compatible with the current installed swagger libs
Source: How to Generate a Swagger JSON File on Build in .NET Core
C. To test JSON config file generation, run the following command:
dotnet swagger tofile --output swagger.json "bin\debug\net7.0\APIs.dll" v1
D. (optional) You can automate the operation using build events e.g. post build event or by executing commands as background action programmatically.
public class AutoSwaggeFileGeneratorMiddleware
private Process GenerateProcess()
ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo
FileName = "cmd.exe",
RedirectStandardInput = true,
RedirectStandardOutput = true,
RedirectStandardError = true,
UseShellExecute = false,
CreateNoWindow = true
return new Process { StartInfo = startInfo };
private async Task ConsumeStreamReaderAsync(StreamReader reader, string prefix)
string line;
while ((line = await reader.ReadLineAsync()) != null)
if (prefix.ToLower().Contains("error"))
_logger.LogError($"{prefix}{line}"); // Log to the ILogger
_logger.LogInformation($"{prefix}{line}"); // Log to the ILogger
public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context)
using (Process process = GenerateProcess())
string command = "dotnet swagger tofile --output swagger.json "bin\debug\net7.0\APIs.dll" v1";
// Send the AutoRest CLI command to the standard input of the process
using (StreamWriter sw = process.StandardInput)
if (sw.BaseStream.CanWrite)
await sw.WriteLineAsync(command);
// Do not wait for the process to exit, and let it run in the background
// Handle the output and error streams asynchronously
var outputTask = ConsumeStreamReaderAsync(process.StandardOutput, "Output: ");
var errorTask = ConsumeStreamReaderAsync(process.StandardError, "Error: ");
// Continue processing other requests while the batch file is running
Task.WhenAll(outputTask, errorTask);
Do NOT forget to use it in Middleware app.UseMiddleware<AutoRestMiddleware>();
Check below practice The idea works in requesting the swagger.json on execution.
There is also another solution using the build-time, instead.