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Run alembic operations manually by code, using an sqlalchemy engine

I invested some time to understand Alemic, how I could run migrations manually without any setup. Due to some reasons we need that, we need to be able to execute operations manually without init, ini files or execution context.


  • Here is my result:

    import sqlalchemy
    from alembic.migration import MigrationContext
    from alembic.operations import Operations
    # Connection
    connection_string = 'postgres://xx:@localhost/xxdb'
    engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(connection_string.replace('postgres://', 'postgresql://'))
    # Create migration context
    mc = MigrationContext.configure(engine.connect())
    # Creation operations object
    ops = Operations(mc)
    # Add column
        ops.add_column('record', sqlalchemy.Column('new_column', sqlalchemy.String))
    except Exception as ex:
    # Create table
        ops.create_table('new_table', [
            sqlalchemy.Column('id', sqlalchemy.Integer, primary_key=True),
            sqlalchemy.Column('name', sqlalchemy.String)
    except Exception as ex:

    It lets you run any alembic operation without needing all the stuff around. I just wanted to share that, since it's really hard to get complete examples about it online.