I have a dataset with date information in MsSQL. The type of this data is registered as datetime. For example I have a date value like '2022-12-12 06:59:00'. Here, if the time is before 07 am, I want it to write '2022/12/11' as the date. If the date value '2022-12-12 07:01:00' is after 07 am I want it to print '2022/12/11' as the date. To be more descriptive, I would like to explain as follows:
Source | Message | TimeStamp |
Alarm | Message | 2022-12-12 06:59:00.00000 |
Alarm2 | Message2 | 2022-12-12 07:01:00.00000 |
This is the current table
I am trying to create the following table:
Source | Message | TimeStamp | Date |
Alarm | Message | 2022-12-12 06:59:00.00000 | 2022/12/11 |
Alarm2 | Message2 | 2022-12-12 07:01:00.00000 | 2022/12/12 |
How can I do this in SQL query?
You can subtract 7 hours from TimeStamp
and get the date part only from the result:
CONVERT(date, DATEADD(HOUR, -7, [TimeStamp])) AS [Date]
FROM tablename;
See the demo.