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Refactor to generic method with Predicate<T> and inner condition variable

Consider removing duplicated elements of List from a specific class like below:

private List<MyClass> RemoveDuplicatedMyClass(List<MyClass> myObjects)
    List<MyClass> uniqueMyClasses = new List<MyClass>();
    foreach (MyClass item in myObjects)
        if (uniqueMyClasses.FindAll(itm => itm.myAttribute == item.myAttribute).Count == 0)
    return uniqueMyClasses;

I want to refactor RemoveDuplicatedMyClass to a generic version RemoveDuplicatedItems like below:

public static List<T> RemoveDuplicatedItems<T>(List<T> items, Predicate<T> match)
    if (items == null)
        return new List<T>();
    List<T> uniqueItems = new List<T>();
    foreach (T item in items)
        // Check if item exists (= already added)! If not add to unique list.
        if (uniqueItems.FindAll(match).Count < 1)
    return uniqueItems;

Problem: How can I get access to Predicate<T> match with the inner T item?


  • As guys mentioned in comments, it's a good idea to use Enumerable.DistinctBy and one solution is to use dynamic objects:

    static List<dynamic> RemoveDuplicatedItems(List<dynamic>? items)
        if (items == null)
            return new List<dynamic>();
        return items.DistinctBy(x=>x.MyAttribute).ToList();

    and another and I think better option is to use abstraction, if you have some common properties between your classes you can create interface and define type of T as inheritor of that interface:

    static List<T> RemoveDuplicatedItems<T>(List<T>? items) where T:ISomeCommonInterface
        if (items == null)
            return new List<T>();
        return items.DistinctBy(x=>x.MyAttribute).ToList();;